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Measure Theory (XVII): Functions of Bounded Variation

In the buildup to the analogues of the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus for the Lebesgue integral on $\bb R$, we study two special classes of functions, namely monotone functions and functions of bounded variation. In particular, we look at the derivatives $f’$ and their Lebesgue integrals $\int\!f’\,d\lambda$, and relate them to the original function $f$.

Derivative of monotone functions

Given a function $f:(a,b)\to\bb R$, its lower and upper derivatives are defined respectively as

Then $\underline Df\leq\overline Df$, and $f$ is differentiable at $x$ if and only if $\underline Df(x)=\overline Df(x)$ is a finite value.

Lemma: Let $f:(a,b)\to\bb R$ be a nondecreasing function, and let $\alpha>0$. Then

Proof: Let $E_\alpha=\{x\in(a,b)\,:\,\overline Df(x)>\alpha\}$. Then for any $x\in E_\alpha$ and $\delta>0$, there exists $0<\lvert h\rvert<\delta$ with

Hence the collection of closed intervals

is a Vitali cover of $E_\alpha$.

Fix $\eps>0$. By Vitali’s covering theorem, there is a finite subcollection of pairwise disjoint intervals in $\mc I$, say $([c_k,d_k] )_ {k=1}^n$, with

Now $f$ is nondecreasing implies


Taking $\eps\to0^+$ gives the desired result. $\qed$

Corollary: Let $f:(a,b)\to\bb R$ be a nondecreasing function, and let $\alpha>0$. Then

Proof: With $E_\alpha$ as defined in the previous proof, the result follows from

The following is Lebesgue’s theorem on the differentiability of monotone functions.

Theorem: Let $I$ be an interval in $\bb R$, and let $f:I\to\bb R$ be monotone. Then $f$ is differentiable $\lambda$-a.e. on $I$.

Proof: It suffices to prove the statement when $I=(a,b)$ is a bounded open interval (if $I$ is unbounded, partition it into countably many pieces; if $I$ is closed, we can ignore its endpoints, since they are of measure $0$), and $f$ is nondecreasing (otherwise replace $f$ by $-f$).

Fix $\eps>0$. For $s,t\in\bb R$ with $s< t$, define

and take an open set $O\subseteq(a,b)$ with $A_{s,t}\subseteq O$ and $\lambda(O)<\lambda^* (A_{s,t})+\eps$.

Now consider the collection of closed intervals

By an analogous argument to that used in the Lemma, this is a Vitali cover of $A_{s,t}$.

Since $\lambda^* (A_{s,t})\leq b-a<\infty$, by Vitali’s covering theorem there is a finite subcollection of pairwise disjoint intervals in $\mc I$, say $([c_k,d_k] )_ {k=1}^n$, with

But by the Lemma above, we have


Taking $\eps\to0^+$ gives $\lambda^* (A_{s,t})\leq\frac st\lambda^* (A_{s,t})$, which implies $\lambda(A_{s,t})=0$.

To finish, note that $f$ is not differentiable at $x$ if and only if there exists $s,t\in\bb Q$ with

Thus $f$ is not differentiable only on the set $\bigcup_{s,t\in\bb Q}A_{s,t}$, which is a countable union of Lebesgue-null sets, and is hence Lebesgue-null. Hence $f$ is differentiable $\lambda$-a.e. $\qed$

Proposition: Let $f:[a,b]\to\bb R$ be a nondecreasing function, and let

Then $g\geq0$, and

Proof: By the previous theorem, $f$ is differentiable $\lambda$-a.e. Hence the functions

converge pointwise to $g$ for $\lambda$-a.e. $x\in[a,b]$. Now Fatou’s theorem gives

as desired. $\qed$

Functions of bounded variation

Let $f:[a,b]\to\bb R$. The total variation of $f$ on $[a,b]$ is

We say that $f$ is of bounded variation on $[a,b]$ if $\Var_{[a,b]}f<\infty$. These form a family of well-behaved functions; for instance, since

we see that $f$ is of bounded variation if and only if the graph $y=f(x)$ is a curve of finite length, in which case its length lies between $\Var_{[a,b]}f$ and $b-a+\Var_{[a,b]}f$.

Note that functions of bounded variation are necessarily bounded: for all $x\in[a,b]$, we have

We give some examples of functions of bounded variation.

Proposition: Let $f:[a,b]\to\bb R$ be monotone. Then $f$ is of bounded variation, with $\Var_{[a,b]}f=\lvert f(b)-f(a)\rvert$. $\qed$

Proposition: Let $f\in L^1[a,b]$, and define $F:[a,b]\to\bb R$ by $F(x)=\int_a^x\!f\,d\lambda$. Then $F$ has bounded variation on $[a,b]$.

Proof: Note that for any partition $\{x_k\}_ {k=0}^n$ of $[a,b]$, we have

Hence $\Var_{[a,b]}F\leq\|f\|_ 1<\infty$. $\qed$

Given some functions of bounded variation, we can easily construct new ones:

Proposition: If $f,g:[a,b]\to\bb R$ are of bounded variation and $c\in\bb R$, then $f+g$, $cf$ and $fg$ are of bounded variation on $[a,b]$.

Proof: For any partition $\{x_k\}_ {k=0}^n$ of $[a,b]$, we have

so $\Var_{[a,b]}(f+g)\leq\Var_{[a,b]}f+\Var_{[a,b]}g<\infty$, ie. $f+g$ is of bounded variation.

Let $\sup_{[a,b]}\lvert f\rvert=M<\infty$. Then

so $\Var_{[a,b]}f^2\leq2M\Var_{[a,b]}f<\infty$, ie. $f^2$ is of bounded variation whenever $f$ is of bounded variation. Hence

is also of bounded variation. In particular, since the constant function $c$ has bounded variation, $cf$ is of bounded variation. $\qed$

Now we give some elementary properties of the variation function.

Proposition: Let $f:[a,b]\to\bb R$ be of bounded variation. Then:

  1. $\Var_{[a,b]}f\geq\lvert f(b)-f(a)\rvert$;
  2. $\Var_{[a,b]}f=\Var_{[a,c]}f+\Var_{[c,b]}f$ for any $c\in[a,b]$.

Proof: (1) is clear by taking the trivial partition $\{a,b\}$.

(2): For any partitions $\{y_k\}_ {k=0}^{n’}$ and $\{z_l\}_ {l=0}^{n’’}$ of $[a,c]$ and $[c,b]$ respectively, their union forms a partition $\{x_j\}_ {j=0}^n$ of $[a,b]$, with

Taking suprema over $\{y_k\}$, $\{z_l\}$ gives $\Var_{[a,b]}f\geq\Var_{[a,c]}f+\Var_{[c,b]}f$.

On the other hand, for any partition $\{x_j\}_ {j=0}^n$ of $[a,b]$, we can insert the point $c$ and split it into partitions $\{y_k\}_ {k=0}^{n’}$ and $\{z_l\}_ {l=0}^{n’’}$ of $[a,c]$ and $[c,b]$ respectively. Then

(The sum might increase since we might have split a subinterval of the partition when inserting the point $c$.) Taking supremum over $\{x_j\}$ gives $\Var_{[a,b]}f\leq\Var_{[a,c]}f+\Var_{[c,b]}f$. $\qed$

The next result is a useful characterisation of functions of bounded variation:

Theorem: Let $f:[a,b]\to\bb R$. Then $f$ is of bounded variation if and only if there exists nondecreasing functions $f_1,f_2:[a,b]\to\bb R$ such that $f=f_1-f_2$. Moreover, $f_1,f_2$ may be chosen such that

Proof: By the previous proposition, for all $a\leq x\leq y\leq b$ we have

Write $V(x)=\Var_{[a,x]}f$, and let

By the above computation, $f_1$ and $f_2$ are nondecreasing functions with $f=f_1-f_2$ and $V=f_1+f_2$. Hence

as desired. $\qed$

Combined with Lebesgue’s theorem on the differentiability of monotone functions, we have:

Theorem: Let $f:[a,b]\to\bb R$ be of bounded variation. Then:

  • $f$ is differentiable $\lambda$-a.e. on $[a,b]$;
  • The function

    is Lebesgue integrable on $[a,b]$; and

  • $\int_{[a,b]}\!\lvert g\rvert\,d\lambda\leq\Var_{[a,b]}f$.

Proof: Write $f=f_1-f_2$, where $f_1,f_2$ are nondecreasing functions, hence differentiable $\lambda$-a.e.; hence $f$ is also differentiable $\lambda$-a.e. Now define

and $g_2$ similarly. Then $g=g_1-g_2$ $\lambda$-a.e., so

and we are done. $\qed$

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