Measure Theory (XIV): Approximate Identities
22 Nov 2018An approximate identity is a family of nonnegative functions $(K_\eps)_ {\eps>0}$ in $L^1(\bb R)$ such that:
- $\int\!K_\eps\,d\lambda=1$ for all $\eps>0$; and
For any $r>0$, we have
In other words, most of the mass of $K_\eps$ is concentrated around the origin as $\eps\to0^+$. Such a sequence can be thought of as approximations to the Dirac delta function.
Here is a simple construction of an approximate identity.
Proposition: Let $K\geq0$ be a Lebesgue integrable function such that $\int\!K\,d\lambda=1$, and define $K_\eps(x)=\frac1\eps K(\frac x\eps)$. Then $(K_\eps)_ {\eps>0}$ is an approximate identity.
Proof: Note that by a linear change of variables, we have $\int\!K_\eps\,d\lambda=1$ and
As $\eps\to0^+$, the integrand increases to $K$, so by LDCT the integral converges to $\int\!K\,d\lambda=1$, and we are done. $\qed$
Lemma: (Minkowski’s integral inequality) Let $f_y\in L^p(\bb R)$, and choose $g\in L^1(\bb R)$ such that $g\geq0$. Define
Proof: Let $q$ be the conjugate index of $p$, so $\frac1p+\frac1q=1$. We have
Dividing both sides by $\|\mc F\|_ p^{p/q}$ gives the desired result. $\qed$
The following result explains the terminology: an approximate identity acts almost like an identity element with respect to convolution.
Proposition: Let $(K_\eps)_ {\eps>0}$ be an approximate identity. For $1\leq p<\infty$, fix $f\in L^p(\bb R)$. Then
Proof: Note that
so Minkowski’s integral inequality gives
Fix $\delta>0$. Since $\lim_{y\to0}\|\tau_yf-f\|_ p=0$, there exists $r>0$ with $\|\tau_yf-f\|_ p<\frac\delta2$ for all $y\in[-r,r]$. Hence
for all small enough $\eps>0$. This proves the claim. $\qed$
Smooth functions
Let $C^\infty(\bb R)$ denote the set of all smooth functions (or infinitely-differentiable functions) on $\bb R$, and let $C^\infty_c(\bb R)$ denote the smooth functions $f$ on $\bb R$ with compact support, ie. ${f\neq0}$ is a bounded subset of $\bb R$.
To prove results about convolution against a smooth function, we need to first investigate differentiation under the Lebesgue integral.
Proposition: Let $f:\bb R^2\to\bb R$ be a function such that $\frac{\del f}{\del y}$ exists everywhere on $\bb R^2$. Suppose that:
- For all fixed $y\in\bb R$, the functions $f(-,y)$ and $\frac{\del f}{\del y}(-,y)$ are Lebesgue integrable; and
- There is a Lebesgue integrable function $g$ on $\bb R$ such that $\lvert\frac{\del f}{\del y}(x,y)\rvert\leq g(x)$ for all $x,y$.
Proof: Let $(y_n)$ be a sequence converging to $y$. Then
for some $\xi_n(x)$ between $y$ and $y_n$ by the mean value theorem. In particular, $f_n(x)\leq g(x)$, and $f_n(x)\to\frac{\del f}{\del y}(x,y)$, so by LDCT we have
Since this holds for any sequence $(y_n)\to y$, we conclude that
as desired. $\qed$
Proposition: Let $f\in L^p(\bb R)$ and $g\in C^\infty_c(\bb R)$. Then $f* g\in C^\infty(\bb R)$. If $f$ has compact support, then $f* g$ has compact support.
Proof: By the previous proposition, we have
By induction, we have $(f* g)^{(n)}=f* g^{(n)}$; in particular, $f* g\in C^\infty(\bb R^n)$.
If $f,g$ have compact support, say $\{f\neq0\}\subseteq[-M,M]$ and $\{g\neq0\}\subseteq[-N,N]$, then $f(x-y)g(y)$ is identically zero for all $\lvert x\rvert>M+N$, since the triangle inequality implies that either $\lvert x-y\rvert>M$ or $\lvert y\rvert>N$. Hence $\{f* g\neq0\}\subseteq[-M-N,M+N]$, so $f* g$ has compact support. $\qed$
Combining all the results above, we can show that $C^\infty_c(\bb R)$ is dense in $L^p(\bb R)$.
Theorem: Let $1\leq p<\infty$. For any $f\in L^p(\bb R)$ and $\delta>0$, there exists $g\in C^\infty_c(\bb R)$ such that $\|f-g\|_ p<\delta$.
Proof: Fix $K\in C^\infty_c(\bb R)$ such that $K\geq0$ and $\int\!K\,d\lambda=1$ (for instance
for a suitable $C>0$). Then $K_\eps(x)=\frac1\eps K(\frac x\eps)$ forms an approximate identity with $K_\eps\in C^\infty_c(\bb R)$ for all $\eps>0$.
Pick $N>0$ large enough such that $\|f-f\chi_{[-N,N]}\|_ p<\frac\delta2$ (such an $N$ exists by LDCT). Then pick $\eps>0$ small enough such that with
we have $\|g-f\chi_{[-N,N]}\|_ p<\frac\delta2$. Then $\|g-f\|_ p<\delta$, so $g$ satisfies all desired conditions. $\qed$
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