Measure Theory (XIII): Convolution on $L^p(\bb R)$
22 Nov 2018In this section, we investigate the convolution operation on $L^p(\bb R)$, which is a form of averaging of functions. More generally, all of the results below have analogues in $L^p(\bb R^n)$.
Translation of functions
Recall the following proposition during our study of the Lebesgue measure:
Proposition: Let $f:\bb R^n\to[-\infty,\infty]$, $x\in\bb R^n$, and $c>0$. Define $g(\omega)=f(\omega-x)$ and $h(\omega)=f(\frac\omega c)$. Then:
- $f$ is Lebesgue measurable if and only if $g$ is Lebesgue measurable, if and only if $h$ is Lebesgue measurable;
- $f$ is Lebesgue integrable if and only if $g$ is Lebesgue integrable, if and only if $h$ is Lebesgue integrable, in which case we have
Essentially, this says that the Lebesgue measure behaves as expected under a linear change of variables.
Given $y\in\bb R$ and $f$ a Lebesgue measurable function $f:\bb R\to[-\infty,\infty]$, define the translation $\tau_yf:\bb R\to[-\infty,\infty]$ by
Then we can restate part of the above proposition as follows:
Proposition: For any Lebesgue integrable function $f$ and $y\in\bb R$, we have $\int\!\tau_yf\,d\lambda=\int\!f\,d\lambda$. $\qed$
Corollary: If $1\leq p\leq\infty$ and $f\in L^p(\bb R)$, then $\tau_yf\in L^p(\bb R)$ and $\|\tau_yf\|_p=\|f\|_p$. $\qed$
Proposition: If $1\leq p<\infty$ and $f\in L^p(\bb R)$, then $\lim_{y\to0}\|\tau_yf-f\|_p=0$.
Proof: If $\tilde f(x)=f(-x)$ then
so it suffices to prove the limit for $y\to0^+$.
For the half-open interval $H=[a,b)$, we have
which goes to $0$ as $y\to0^+$. Hence for linear combinations of such functions $\psi=\sum_{k=1}^na_k\chi_{H_k}$, we have
which also goes to $0$ as $y\to0^+$.
Take any $\eps>0$. For $g\in\mc L^p(\bb R)$ with $g\geq0$, take a sequence of measurable step functions $0\leq\varphi_1\leq\varphi_2\leq\cdots$ with limit $g$. By MCT, there exists some $\|g-\varphi_j\|_ p<\frac\eps5$.
Write $\varphi_j=\sum_{k=1}^nb_k\chi_{E_k}$. For each $E_k$, there exists pairwise disjoint half-open intervals $H_{k,l}\subseteq E_k$ with
so writing $\psi=\sum_{k=1}^nb_k\sum_l\chi_{H_{k,l}}$, we have
for all small enough $y>0$, so $\|\tau_yg-g\|_ p\to0$ as $y\to0^+$ for all nonnegative $g\in\mc L^p(\bb R)$.
Finally, for general $f\in\mc L^p(\bb R)$, we have
which goes to $0$ as $y\to0^+$, and we are done. $\qed$
Note that the above proposition is false for $p=\infty$; an easy counterexample is $f=\chi_{[0,1]}$.
Convolution of functions
We are now ready to define the convolution of two functions. The proof of existence also gives us an estimate of its $p$-norm.
Proposition: Let $1\leq p\leq\infty$, $f\in L^p(\bb R)$, and $g\in L^1(\bb R)$. Then:
- For $\lambda$-a.e. $x\in\bb R$, the function $h_x(y)\coloneqq f(x-y)g(y)$ is Lebesgue integrable; and
The function
satisfies $f* g\in L^p(\bb R)$ and $\|f* g\|_ p\leq\|f\|_ p\|g\|_ 1$.
Proof: We first prove the case $p=\infty$. Here we have
by Hölder’s inequality, and we are done.
Now assume $1\leq p<\infty$, and let $q$ be the conjugate index of $p$ (ie. $\frac1p+\frac1q=1$). Take any $u\in L^q(\bb R)$ with $\|u\|_ q\leq1$. Since $\bb R$ is $\sigma$-finite and $\lambda$ is complete, Tonelli’s theorem gives
by picking $u$ supported on all of $\bb R$, we see that $\left(\int\!\lvert h_x(y)\rvert\,d\lambda(y)\right)\lvert u(x)\rvert<\infty$ for $\lambda$-a.e. $x\in\bb R$, ie. $h_x$ is Lebesgue integrable for $\lambda$-a.e. $x\in\bb R$. Also, by Hölder’s inequality, the supremum of LHS over all $\|u\|_ q\leq1$ is $\|\int\!\lvert h_x\rvert\,d\lambda\|_ p$, so
as desired. $\qed$
Proposition: Let $1\leq p\leq\infty$, and let $f\in L^p(\bb R)$, $g,h\in L^1(\bb R)$. Then $f* g=g* f$ and $f* (g* h)=(f* g)* h$.
Proof: By a change of variables, we have
Also, by the Fubini-Tonelli theorem, we have
as desired. $\qed$
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