Measure Theory (XI): $L^p$ Spaces
05 Nov 2018Let $(\Omega,\Sigma,\mu)$ be a measure space. For $1\leq p<\infty$, define the set
Also, for $p=\infty$, define
We will write $\mc L^p(\mu)$ or simply $\mc L^p$ if the measure space $(\Omega,\Sigma,\mu)$ is clear from context.
Proposition: For $1\leq p\leq\infty$, if $f,g\in \mc L^p$ and $c\in\bb R$, then $cf,f+g\in \mc L^p$.
Proof: For $1\leq p<\infty$, note that
For $p=\infty$, note that $\lvert f\rvert\leq M$ and $\lvert g\rvert\leq N$ $\mu$-a.e. imply $\lvert cf\rvert\leq\lvert c\rvert M$ and $\lvert f+g\rvert\leq M+N$ $\mu$-a.e. $\qed$
This shows that $\mc L^p$ is a vector space for all $1\leq p\leq\infty$.
Hölder’s and Minkowski’s inequalities
There is a natural way of measuring the “size” of $\mc L^p$ functions: for $f\in \mc L^p$, define the $p$-norm of $f$ as
if $1\leq p<\infty$, and
if $p=\infty$. By the definition of $\mc L^p$, we have $\|f\|_p<\infty$ for $f\in \mc L^p$.
It turns out that if $1< p<\infty$, then $\mc L^p$ is closely related to $\mc L^q$ when $\frac1p+\frac1q=1$. In this case, we call $p$ and $q$ conjugate indices. Note that this condition is equivalent to any of the following:
- $q=\frac p{p-1}$
- $p-1=\frac pq$
Lemma (Young’s inequality): Let $1< p<\infty$, and let $q=\frac p{p-1}$. Then for all $a,b\geq0$, we have
with equality if and only if $a^p=b^q$.
Proof: Since the exponential function is strictly convex, by Jensen’s inequality we have
for any $x,y\geq0$, $0<\lambda<1$, with equality if and only if $x=y$. The claim follows by setting $\lambda=\frac1p$ (so $1-\lambda=\frac1q$), $x=a^p$ and $y=b^q$. $\qed$
Proposition (Hölder’s inequality): Let $1\leq p<\infty$, and let $q=\frac p{p-1}$. If $f\in \mc L^p$ and $g\in \mc L^q$, then $fg\in \mc L^1$ and
More precisely, we have
Proof: If $p=1$, note that $\lvert fg\rvert\leq\lvert f\rvert\|g\|_\infty$ holds $\mu$-a.e. The statement now follows by integration.
For the last equality, choose $g\equiv1$, which has $\infty$-norm equal to $1$.
If $p>1$, by Young’s inequality and integration we have
Now LHS is equal to $\dfrac{\|fg\|_1}{\|f\|_p\|g\|_q}$, while RHS is equal to $\frac1p+\frac1q=1$, and the inequality is proven.
Equality holds when, for instance,
ie. when $\lvert g\rvert$ is proportional to $\lvert f\rvert^{p/q}$. Hence for the last equality, we may take
which clearly has $q$-norm equal to $1$. $\qed$
However, the last equality in the theorem might not hold for $(p,q)=(\infty,1)$, as the following example shows.
Example: Let $\Omega=\{x\}$ be a singleton set, and $\mu$ be the measure on $\Omega$ with $\mu(x)=\infty$. If $f(x)=1$ then $\|f\|_\infty=1$, while
so $\sup_{\|g\|_1\leq1}\left\lvert\int\!fg\,d\mu\right\rvert=0.$
Proposition (Minkowski’s inequality): Let $1\leq p\leq\infty$. If $f,g\in \mc L^p$, then
Proof: We first split
Now $p-1=\frac pq$, so Hölder’s inequality gives
Applying the same argument to the other term, we have
Dividing both sides by $|f+g|_p^{p/q}$, and noting that $p-\frac pq=\frac pp=1$, gives the desired result. $\qed$
This inequality can be interpreted as the triangle inequality; hence the $p$-norm is a seminorm on $\mc L^p$.
The quotient space $L^p$
Now we can take the quotient of $\mc L^p$ by the subspace of measurable functions with $p$-norm $0$, namely those which are zero $\mu$-a.e.; this is the same as considering equivalence classes of $\mc L^p$ functions under the equivalence relation of $\mu$-a.e. equality. We denote the quotient space by $L^p(\Omega,\Sigma,\mu)$, $L^p(\mu)$, or simply $L^p$.
Since equivalent $\mc L^p$ functions have the same $p$-norm, the $p$-norm is also defined on the quotient space $L^p$, where it is in fact a norm.
Hence $L^p$ is a normed vector space of “$\mc L^p$ functions defined up to $\mu$-null sets.” Note that the elements of $L^p$ are not actual functions, but only equivalence classes of functions: for example, if $x\in\Omega$ and $\mu(\{x\})=0$, then for any equivalence class $[f]\in L^p$, the value $f(x)$ is not well-defined.
The Riesz-Fischer Theorem
We now show that the $L^p$ is actually complete under the $p$-norm, ie. $L^p$ is a Banach space.
Riesz-Fischer theorem: Let $1\leq p\leq\infty$. Then any Cauchy sequence $([f_k])$ in $L^p$ has a limit $[f]\in L^p$.
Proof: Take representatives $f_k\in\mc L^p$, so the sequence $(f_k)$ in $\mc L^p$ satisfies the following property: for any $\eps>0$, there exists $N\geq1$ such that $\|f_k-f_j\|_ p<\eps$ for all $k,j\geq N$. Now we need to show that there exists $f\in\mc L^p$ with $\lim_{k\to\infty}\|f_k-f\|_ p=0$.
By taking $\eps=\frac1{2^i}$, there exists $1\leq k_1< k_2<\cdots$ such that $\|f_{k_i}-f_{k_{i+1}}\|_p\leq\frac1{2^i}$ for all $i\geq1$. Now consider the functions
Note that $0\leq g_1\leq g_2\leq\cdots$, and
By Minkowski’s inequality, we have
so by monotone convergence theorem we have
Hence the set $S=\{g=\infty\}$ is $\mu$-null. Thus the function
is finite-valued (since the series converges absolutely in $\Omega\backslash S$) and satisfies $\lvert f\rvert\leq g$, so $f\in\mc L^p$.
Note that the partial sums of $f$ on $\Omega\backslash S$ form the sequence $(f_{k_i})$, so $f-f_{k_n}\to0$ $\mu$-a.e. Also,
so by LDCT we have
so $\|f-f_{k_n}\|_ p\to0$. Hence $([f_{k_n}])\to[f]$ in $L^p$.
Now the Cauchy sequence $([f_k])$ in $L^p$ has a convergent subsequence, so the whole sequence converges to $[f]$ as well, as desired. $\qed$
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