Commutative Algebra (V): Composition Series
29 Jan 2019Besides finite generation and finite presentation, there are other measures of the “size” of an $A$-module $M$. For instance, we can look at the lengths of certain chains of submodules of $M$, known as composition series. We will see in this post that this length is well-defined, and well-behaved under natural operations on modules.
Simple modules
A nonzero $A$-module $M$ is simple if the only submodules of $M$ are $0$ and $M$.
Proposition: Let $M$ be a nonzero $A$-module. Then the following are equivalent:
- $M$ is a simple module;
- Every nonzero element $\omega\in M$ generates $M$;
- $M\cong A/\mf m$ as $A$-modules for some maximal ideal $\mf m\subseteq A$.
Proof: ($1\Rightarrow2$) For any $\omega\neq0$ in $M$, the submodule $\omega M$ is nonzero, and thus is equal to $M$.
($2\Rightarrow3$) Fix $\omega\neq0$ in $M$. Then the $A$-module map $\varphi:A\to M$ defined by $\varphi(a)=a\omega$ is surjective, so
Since the only submodules of $M$ are $0$ and $M$, by the lattice isomorphism theorem, the only ideals of $A$ containing $\ann(\omega)$ are $A$ and $\ann(\omega)$. Hence $\ann(\omega)$ is a maximal ideal of $A$.
($3\Rightarrow1$) Since the only ideals of $A$ containing $\mf m$ are $A$ and $\mf m$, by the lattice isomorphism theorem, the only submodules of $A/\mf m$ are $A/A=0$ and $A/\mf m$. Hence $A/\mf m$ is a simple module. $\qed$
Composition series
Let $M$ be an $A$-module. A composition series of $M$ is a chain of submodules
such that each $M_i/M_{i+1}$ is simple. In this case, $r$ is called the composition length, or simply length, of the composition series.
Note that if $M_i/M_{i+1}$ is simple, then for any submodule $M_{i+1}\subseteq M’\subseteq M_i$, we have
so if we insert more submodules into a composition series of $M$, we can only extend it trivially. Hence composition series can be seen as maximal chains of submodules of $M$.
We define the composition length or length of $M$, written $\ell(M)$, as the minimal length of a composition series of $M$, or $\infty$ if $M$ does not have a composition series.
We will now show that any composition series of $M$ has length $\ell(M)$.
Proposition: Let $M$ be an $A$-module, and let $N\subseteq M$ be a submodule. Then $\ell(N)\leq\ell(M)$, with equality if and only if $N=M$.
Proof: Write $l=\ell(M)$, and take a composition series
of length $l$. Then
By the second isomorphism theorem, for all $i$ we have
which is a submodule of the simple module $M_i/M_{i+1}$. Hence $\frac{N\cap M_i}{N\cap M_{i+1}}$ is either zero or simple for all $i$.
Now by removing repetitions from the chain $(* )$, we get a composition series for $N$ with length at most $l$. Thus $\ell(N)\leq l$.
If equality occurs, then there are no repetitions in $(* )$, so for all $i$ we have
so $(N\cap M_i)+M_{i+1}=M_i$.
Now we prove by induction that $N\cap M_i=M_i$ for all $i$. This is clear for $i=l$; if the claim holds for $M_{i+1}$, then
so the claim also holds for $M_i$. Now taking $i=0$ gives
as desired. $\qed$
Corollary: For any strictly descending chain of submodules
we have $s\leq\ell(M)$.
Proof: Note that
Corollary: Any two composition series of $M$ has length $\ell(M)$.
Proof: By the above corollary, for any composition series
we have $r\leq\ell(M)$. Hence by minimality of $\ell(M)$, we have $r=\ell(M)$. $\qed$
Jordan-Hölder theorem
The above result is only one part of the Jordan-Hölder theorem for modules. We will not need the full theorem in this course, but we give the proof here for completeness.
The composition factors of a composition series
are the quotients $M_i/M_{i+1}$.
Jordan-Hölder Theorem: Any two composition series of an $A$-module $M$ have the same composition factors, up to permutation and isomorphism.
Proof: We proceed by induction on $\ell(M)$. If $\ell(M)=0$ then $M=0$, and there is nothing to prove.
Suppose that the statement holds for all $A$-modules with length less than $r$, and let $M$ be an $A$-module with two composition series
If $M_1=N_1$, then by induction hypothesis, the lists of composition factors for
are the same up to permutation and isomorphism. Now $M_0/M_1=N_0/N_1$, so the the lists of composition factors for the original composition series are the same up to permutation and isomorphism.
If $M_1\neq N_1$, then $M_1$ is a maximal proper submodule of $M$, so $M_1+N_1=M$. Write $K=M_1\cap N_1$; then by the second isomorphism theorem, we have
In particular, both of these modules are simple.
Now pick any composition series for $K$, say
Then by induction hypothesis, the lists of composition factors for
are the same up to permutation and isomorphism, so this is still true when we add $M$ at the start of both composition series. We have an analogous argument with $M_i$ replaced by $N_i$; hence it remains to show that the lists of composition factors for
are the same up to permutation and isomorphism. But clearly the composition factors after $K$ are the same, and by $(** )$ the two composition factors before $K$ are simply swapped. Thus the lists of composition factors for the original composition series are the same up to permutation and isomorphism, and induction is complete. $\qed$
Properties of composition length
We first note that composition length is additive with respect to short exact sequences:
Proposition: If $M$ is an $A$-module and $N\subseteq M$ is a submodule, then
Proof: By the lattice isomorphism theorem, any composition series of $M/N$ must be of the form
for submodules $N\subseteq M_i\subseteq M$. Also, by the third isomorphism theorem we have
which is a simple module. Hence for any composition series of $N$, say
the following is a composition series of $M$:
Hence $\ell(M)=s+t=\ell(N)+\ell(M/N)$. $\qed$
Corollary: If $M_i$ are $A$-modules of finite length, such that the sequence
is exact, then
Proof: Every long exact sequence splits into short exact sequences
Then by the previous proposition, we have
Summing all of the above identities gives the desired claim. $\qed$
Proposition: Let $\mf m$ be a finitely generated maximal ideal of $A$. Then for any $\nu\geq1$, we have $\ell(A/\mf m^\nu)<\infty$.
Proof: Firstly, note that if $\mf m$ is generated by $\{a_1,\ldots,a_j\}$ (as an ideal of $A$, ie. as an $A$-module), then $\mf m^i$ is generated by
which is a finite set. Hence $\mf m^i$ is also finitely generated for all $i\geq1$.
Since $A/\mf m^i\cong(A/\mf m^{i-1})/(\mf m^{i-1}/\mf m^i)$ as $A$-modules, by induction we have
Let $k=A/\mf m$, which is a field. Since each $\mf m^i$ is a finite $A$-module, each $\mf m^i/\mf m^{i+1}$ is a finite $A/\mf m$-module, ie. a finite-dimensional $k$-vector space. Moreover, in $\mf m^i/\mf m^{i+1}$, the $A$-submodules are exactly the $A/\mf m$-submodules, ie. the $k$-vector subspaces; hence
so $\ell(A/\mf m^\nu)<\infty$. $\qed$
We will see later that $\ell(A/\mf m^\nu)$, as a function of $\nu$, is closely related to the ring structure of $A$.
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